===== Former news =====
* Aug. 2017: A biomed ARGO Mon instance replaces the biomed Nagios box that is no longer be supported. This new instance is available here : https://argo-mon-biomed.cro-ngi.hr/nagios.
* Feb. 2016: [[http://biomed.grid.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/en/Biomed-Shifts:Coordination|former Wiki]] migrated to this instance under DokuWiki due to JamWiki being deprecated.
* Mar. 2014: Upgrade version of Nagios accessible https://grid16.lal.in2p3.fr/nagios/. It must now be used instead of grid04.
* Apr. 2013: New version of Nagios moved to bigger machine https://grid04.lal.in2p3.fr/nagios/. It must now be used instead of grid02.
* Apr. 2013: A [[Biomed-Shifts:Nagios|new wiki page]] sums up all the information about Nagios, accessible from the [[#Nagios_box|Nagios box]] section in this page.
* Jan. 2013: A new version of Nagios has been installed on at https://grid02.lal.in2p3.fr/nagios/. It is usable from now on, but will be moved to another server in the coming months.
* Oct. 2012: probe org.sam.WN-SoftVer-biomed fails for more and more CREAM CEs. This is due to an old version of the probe that is not able to parse EMI2 version => NO TICKET SHOULD BE SUBMITTED FOR THIS ISSUE.
* Nov. 5th 2012 This [[Biomed-Shifts:Practices#Check_CEs_publishing_bad_number_of_running/waiting_jobs|list of CEs]] reports the CEs and CREAM CEs that publish wrong values for running or waiting jobs
* Oct. 2012 It is now possible to add comments in the Nagios interface. On the page of any host or probe, click "Add a new comment" at the bottom of the page, and in the form check the Persistent checkbox. This should help leave messages intended to biomed shifters like "this service has been decommissioned, do not care about it". On the usual list of alarms, a comment is mentioned with a little white cloud icon.
* Jul. 25th 2012 The [[#STATUS_OF_BIOMED_RESOURCES|list of unavailable services]] now reports status from both the GOCDB (downtime, not monitored, not in production) and the BDII (draining, closed)
* Apr. 5th 2012 Check the [[#STATUS_OF_BIOMED_RESOURCES|list of unavailable services]] as mentioned in the GOCDB (downtime, not monitored, not in production)
* Feb. 14th 2012 The [[#Status_of_biomed_Online_Storage_Space|free space report]] of SEs now provides the SE status from the GOCDB (downtime, not monitored...)
* Jav. 25th 2012 News in the [[Biomed-Shifts:Practices|best practises page]]: include lists of VOSUpport tickets, Team tickets, and Team solved tickets. Added list of decommissioned resources.
* Dec. 8th, 2011: Tools moved to new page //Biomed Support Tools// (edit: replaced by VAPOR), including new tools ''show-se-space'' and ''monitor-se-space''.
* Nov. 14th, 2011: Section //Biomed Storage Space// (edit: replaced by VAPOR) reports available space on all SEs supporting biomed. It is updated every 10 minutes.
* //Report generator for biomed SEs// (edit: replaced by VAPOR) available: in particular, the first report form opens a GGUS search page, a GOCDB search page, and trends and alerts histogram from Nagios, for a given SE hostname. This shall be usefull for shifters when a new SE is in alarm in Nagios.
* Nagios box will be down for the two first weeks of November (due to cooling system failure). In the meantime, manual scripts should be used to monitor resources.
* August 2011: update of the [[#Files_and_Space_Management_Tools|file management tool]]; it now handles file replication.
* July 2011: another script has be set on line: it simply automates the lcg-cr and lcg-del commands on a SE: [[https://github.com/frmichel/vo-support-tools/blob/master/SE/lcg-cr.sh|lcg-cr-1.0.sh]]
* July 2011: [[#Files_and_Space_Management_Tools|file management tools]] can help shifters handling the decommissioning and full SE procedures
* June 2011: The [[https://vodashboard.lip.pt|VO Admin Dashboard]] provides an integrated view over several other portals based on the selected VO. Integrated portals: Ops Portal, CIC, GGUS, GStat, GOCDB, VOMS Admin, Apps DB, RT. It is still under development, later on Nagios should be included into the view. We can use it during the shifts to check on it, assess its interest for us, raise questions or requests about it.
* May 2011: the shift schedule was extended to the end of July (see below).
* 20/04/2011: the host name resolution tool URL has changed: please now use https://gus.fzk.de/pages/help/help_hostinfo.php. The previous URL (https://iwrgustrain.fzk.de/pages/help/help_hostinfo.php) is that of a GGUS test instance that is not always synchronized with the GOCDB.
* 18/01/2011:the GGUS team provided a link to get the site name from the host name ([[https://iwrgustrain.fzk.de/pages/help/help_hostinfo.php|check here]]). This is useful to submit team tickets!
* September 2010: thanks to CC-IN2P3 we now have two LFC machines behind lfc-biomed.in2p3.fr. This should allow to have 198 concurrent connection threads.