Procedure for SE decommissioning
- Submit a GGUS team ticket and assign it to VOSupport.
- The expected decommissioning date should clearly appear in the ticket.
- Notify the concerned site of this ticket (field “Notify site”): this field only appears on existing team tickets, not on the team ticket creation form. So you have to first submit the ticket, then modify the “Notify Site” field.
- Ask the site admin to forbid lcg-cr writes from now on, using the email template below. To find the email address of the site administrator, do as follow:
- On the GOCDB, search for the SE hostname (search box).
- In the results table, click the View link in the Action column;
- Then click on the site name (Parent Site information)).
- The admin email is provided in the contact table.
- while (decomisioning deadline is not passed)
- Get the list of LFNs and DNs having SURLs stored on this SE using LFCBrowseSE:
LFCBrowseSE se-hostname.domain –vo biomed –lfn –dn –size –summary
- Put a link or attach this list in the ticket
- Notify the concerned users by email, and attach the list of files.
- If a user does not answer or doesn't need his/her files anymore then remove all the corresponding entries from the LFC (using lcg-ra <guid> <lfn>)
- end while
- Once the decommissioning date is passed and the decommissioning is confirmed by the site:
- make sure that the SE is no longer published in the BDII as supporting biomed,
- contact the Biomed SAM team (BIOMED-SAMBOX-L [at] in2p3 [dot] fr) that maintains the biomed Nagios box, and ask to remove the SE from the list of resources monitored by Nagios.
- Send the list of files of biomed users to the LFC administrator to remove the entries from the catalog: dbouvet [at] in2p3 [dot] fr
Email template for user notification
(red items must to be customized)
You have XXX files on SE YYY which will be decommissioned by X.
We have to move these files away or remove all the corresponding entries from the LFC (using lcg-ra <guid> <lfn>) in case you no longer need the data. Please don't hesitate to contact us (biomed-technical-support [AT] googlegroups [DOT] com) in case you have any questions or if you experience difficulties in this process.
The list of the corresponding files is attached/available HERE
Also, note that it is not recommended to try to move many files in parallel: due to scalability issues of the SE, only a limited number of concurrent connections can be initiated.
Thanks in advance,
The biomed technical team on shift.
Email template for site administrator
(red items must to be customized)
SE_hostname decommissioning - forbid write access for biomed usersBody
Dear site admin,The storage element SE_hostname is going to be decommissioned. As it supports VO biomed, we will contact biomed users to let them migrate their files. Meanwhile, can you please forbid lcg-cr writes from now on to make sure no new file will be created.
Thank you for your support,
The biomed support team on duty.