
scan-se is a set of scripts that monitors the free space of SEs supporting a given VO. For all SEs with more than a given rate of space used (e.g. 95%), it runs the LFCBrowseSE tool to collect the heavy VO users who have more than a given amount of data (e.g. 100 MB) on that SE, then produces the list of DNs, used space, and email addresses of those users.

Download the project from the VO support tools page.

Define variable VO_SUPPORT_TOOLS to like:

export VO_SUPPORT_TOOLS=/home/fmichel/biomed-support-tools

The tool can be executed on any well configured gLite UI, it requires a valid proxy certificate.

See the documentation on Githug.

This tool is developed at CNRS I3S.

</code> ./ –vo myVo –threshold 90

  1. -voms-users /tmp/myVo/monitor-se/voms-users.txt“
  2. -work-dir /tmp/myVo/monitor-se”
  3. -result-dir $HOME/public_html/myVo/monitor-se'


  • biomed-shifts/monitor-se-space.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/02/01 17:47
  • by fmichel