
This is an old revision of the document!

Biomed Support Team

Welcome to the Biomed support team wiki pages. These pages are dedicated to the Biomed technical support team. They provide organisational information as to duty shifts, and technical information about common support tasks as well as best practices.

Oct. 2021: The new biomed ARGO instance is available here :

Former news.

See this wiki page.

Mailing list: biomed-technical-support [no spam-AT] googlegroups [no spam-DOT] com

The participants are listed in the order of the shifts:

  • CNRS-IPHC, FR (Jérôme Pansanel)
  • CNRS-Creatis, FR (Sorina Pop)
  • BME-IIT, HU (Ákos Szlavecz, backup: Gábor Hesz)
  • INSERM, FR (Gilles Mathieu)

Past (teams that contributed in the past, but had to leave us)

  • CNRS-I3S, FR (Franck Michel)
  • CNRS-IPHC, FR (Patrick Guterl)
  • CNRS-Creatis, FR (Tristan Glatard)
  • CNRS-LPC, FR (Paul de Vlieger)
  • CNRS-ISC-PIF, FR (Romain Reuillon)
  • INFN-BA, Libi, Bari, IT (Giacinto Donvito)
  • IsraGrid (Arad Alper)
  • UPV, ES (Abel Antonio Carrión)
  • IFI - Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Informatique, VN (Bui The Quang)

Start date End date Team on duty
22-11-2021 03-12-2021 CREATIS
06-12-2021 17-12-2021 BME-IIT
20-12-2021 31-12-2021 IPHC
03-01-2022 14-01-2022 INSERM
17-01-2022 28-01-2022 CREATIS
31-02-2022 11-02-2022 BME-IIT
14-02-2022 25-02-2022 IPHC
28-02-2022 11-03-2022 INSERM
14-03-2022 25-03-2022 CREATIS
28-03-2022 08-04-2022 BME-IIT
11-04-2022 22-04-2022 IPHC
25-04-2022 06-05-2022 INSERM
09-05-2022 20-05-2022 CREATIS
23-05-2022 03-06-2022 BME-IIT
06-06-2022 17-06-2022 IPHC
20-06-2022 01-07-2022 INSERM
04-07-2022 15-07-2022 CREATIS
18-07-2022 29-07-2022 BME-IIT
01-08-2022 12-08-2022 IPHC
15-08-2022 26-08-2022 INSERM
29-08-2022 09-09-2022 CREATIS
12-09-2022 23-09-2022 BME-IIT
26-09-2022 07-10-2022 IPHC
10-10-2022 21-10-2022 INSERM
24-10-2022 04-11-2022 CREATIS
07-11-2022 18-11-2022 BME-IIT
21-11-2022 02-12-2022 IPHC
05-12-2022 16-12-2022 INSERM
19-12-2022 30-12-2022 CREATIS


See the past schedule.

Minutes of the shift take-over conferences.

When a SE is to planned for decommissioning, launch the specific SE decommissioning procedure.

The following monitoring tools are currently under development / being tested. They could be used to give information on the VO status but they can't be assumed 100% reliable now. In any case problems should be reproduced manually before a GGUS ticket is submitted.

Note: ARGO probes are launched using a robot certificate that requires to be a Biomed member. We need to check regularly that membership has not expired, and in case it has, sign Biomed AUP in the name of the user (this is possible as VOMS admin) on (last renewed early March 2020)

The VAPOR provides several operations features related to the monitoring of computing and storage resources (status of biomed Resources, unavailable and faulty resources, etc.). It is complementary of Nagios.

This list is consolidated from 2 sources:

  • the GOCDB provides status downtime, not in production and not monitored, as well as site uncertified,
  • the BDII provides status draining, closed, unknown….

Make sure the lcg-infosites tool that is used to query the BDII has version > 2.6.9, that comes with gLite 3.2.
Use command: rpm -qa | grep infosites

For Biomed it is advised to refer to the top BDII in IN2P3
The script below may help you detect inconsistencies between top BDIIs:

# This script compares the list of BIOMED SEs returned by 2 top BDIIs: CERN and IN2P3
lcg-infosites --vo biomed --is se | cut -f2 | sort > /tmp/list_se_bdi_in2p3
lcg-infosites --vo biomed --is se | cut -f2 | sort > /tmp/list_se_bdi_cern
diff /tmp/list_se_bdi_in2p3 /tmp/list_se_bdi_cern</tt>

Older documentation (deprecated) is available here Previous Monitoring Tools

Team coordination usual tasks: this page describes the coordination of the support team and the VO management tasks.

  • start.1638543800.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/12/03 16:03
  • by sorina